In light of the Florida Supreme Court’s decision on Florida’s 15-week abortion ban, we expect peaceful protests and demonstrations to take place across the state of Florida. While you may decide to attend a protest, prioritizing your safety and that of your peers is crucial. Follow these tips below to help keep our community safe!
Preparing for the protest
Before attending a protest, it is important to research the organization hosting the event. You should consider the conditions of protests they’ve hosted in the past, as this can indicate the level of preparation and safety planning that the organization will complete for the protest you hope to attend. You should also research what counter-protesters you will potentially encounter. It is important to know who these groups may be as well as their actions in the past, such as facilitating violent conflict between protestors and counter-protestors.
Utilizing the buddy system can further bolster your safety while at a protest by teaming up with trusted friends or family and coordinating a safety plan in case you are separated. While you may plan to go along, we encourage you to share your plans with a trusted person who is not going to the protest. This way you can periodically update your trusted person, and in the case of an emergency they will know approximately your last location.
Packing the necessary supplies for a protest can be overwhelming, so here is a list of necessity items that can improve your comfort and safety while at a protest, though this is not exhaustive:
Hand sanitizer
During the protest
While at the protest, it is paramount that you remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings. Be sure to keep an eye out for anything suspicious or that may indicate the protest may become dangerous. At the first sign a protest will threaten your safety and potentially cause bodily harm, it is important to remove yourself and your party from the area. It is possible that you will encounter counter-protestors, but to protect yourself it is best practice to avoid direct contact with such groups.
In the age of technology and social media, it can be tempting to make a post showing that you are at a protest to show others the causes you are advocating for. However, we discourage you from making posts disclosing your location until after you have left the area. This way you are able to prevent others from using your active location for nefarious intentions. Also, be mindful of the privacy of other protestors who may get caught in your photo, so it is best to blur their faces and identifying information.
In the case that tear gas is used against protestors and you are exposed, it is crucial that you do not rub your eyes and that you use water to rinse out your eyes. Although milk is commonly used, because it is a base, it only neutralizes the teargas agent so it’s not removing the teargas from your eyes most efficiently. Instead, tilt your head to the side and use water to flush out your eyes.
In the weeks, we expect many people across the state of Florida to join in protests of Florida's increasingly restrictive and oppressive bans on abortion. While we are happy to see so many feminists joining in this collective cause, it is important that we first prioritize the safety of ourselves and our fellow protestors. After reading this guide, we hope that you feel more confident in your ability to prepare for participating in a protest while maintaining your safety and security.